Coffee filter Peony

Coffee filter Peony

Coffee filters are one of my favourite materials and Peonies are among my favourite flowers. So, looking around at my craft materials and what to do without buying new materials, I decided to make a Coffee filter Peony.

Coffee filter Peony

Of course, you can use crepe paper, or tissue paper, or even simple white office printer paper for this project. Every one of these materials has its own beauty and character and the result will be beautiful. A bit different, but beautiful, I promise.

Start with the shapes

I used 12 white coffee filters for this project. They are double, you know, so following the instructions you will have more than 30 big and small Peony petals.

For the biggest petals just fold the filters in half and draw one shape.

cutting coffee filter petals

And you immediately will have 4. For the smaller ones, you can draw 2 or even 3. You know these beautiful thin petals, which make Peony flowers so rich and lavish.

coffee filter peony pettals

Be very careful not to destroy the pressed sides of the filters, because they are great for stamens.

making coffee filter stamens

When you finish cutting the petals, just cut a string or two and then make fringes with the scissors, roll and twist them between your fingers as shown.

making coffee filter stamens

Explore the colours

The reason I chose coffee filters is that they are gorgeous water and colour “suckers”.

To create an easy workspace for colouring the petals, you need only a flat white plate, some watercolour markers and a spray bottle. Scribble with the markers on the plate and then spray some water on the colours…

colouring coffee filter paper

Then just dip the petals in the watered area. Twist them and leave to dry.

making coffee filter petals

You can also touch the watercolour markers on the edges of the petals a little bit and then spray with a lot more water. Or draw, if you want stronger colours. I did that with the stamens:

colouring coffee filter stamens

The long final steps

Once they are dried, just glue them. First – the stamens, around the top of double twisted paper wire.

Coffee filter Peony

Then – the petals. One by one. I suggest using universal, not washable glue. On one hand it will dry faster and will save you time. And on the other hand it will make the whole construction a lot stronger.

making coffee filter flower

You can also use a string from the coffee filters to cover the wire in the stem. I suggest using the same universal glue here, only put it a bit more often – maybe every 2 cm.

Coffee filter Peony

Use two or more thin petals as leaves and keep twisting with the string – first on the top of their edges, then, to the end of the wire. Be careful to glue the end of the string well. The end is always a problematic place and often any stem “destruction” starts from there, and only because of the lack of sufficient glue.

Coffee filter Peony

That’s it! Nothing difficult! Enjoy your new peony flowers and your time creating!

Coffee filter Peony

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If you like paper flowers, why not to see this article about How to make Iceland poppies… More detailed instructions – in my Etsy shop:

20 pages step by step Iceland poppy tutorial

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  1. Thanks for sharing! I have only brown ones, do you think they will be ok, or should I wait for white ones? 🙂 🙂 🙂

    • Hi, Lila! Thank you! ♥ I think the light brown filters will be ok, the brown will soften the colours a bit and will make them more realistic 🙂 The dark brown ones I suggest not to use for peony… Are you staying home these days?

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